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Matsumura Keibun / Peach blossoms and a small bird

The plump-looking Eurasian bullfinch is attractive. It appears that they love flower buds, and will even pluck off buds that are just starting to open.
This work was exhibited at the “Edo-Painting Drawing Class” held at the Fuchu Art Museum in 2023.

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Matsudaira Fumai / Horse

It is a vivid depiction of a horse galloping happily. Lord Fumai, a feudal lord and tea master, was skilled in calligraphy, painting, waka poetry, and pottery.


Maruyama Okyo / Persimmons and a warbling white-eye

The transparent expression of the persimmon makes it look fresh and delicious. The dynamic brushwork and the splendid composition are impressive. This work was exhibited at the “Edo-Painting Drawing Class” held at the Fuchu Art Museum in 2023.


Maruyama Okyo / A heron with willow trees in the rain

The pale, light ink used in the painting creates the feeling of the humid atmosphere of a rainy day.



Konoshima Okoku / Snowy morning

Okoku, who studied under Imao Keinen, based his work on sketching and left behind many excellent animal paintings. This work is simple, yet evokes the clear air of early morning.


Konoshima Okoku / Deer playing in the snow

A herd of deer playing on a frozen, snowy mountain. This is a painting that fully demonstrates Okoku’s artistic ability.

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Komai Genki / Two rabbits

This rabbit painting was done by Komai Genki, a disciple of Maruyama Okyo. It captures the characteristics of a rabbit in a simple way.



Kobayakawa Shusei / Rising dragon

The dragon pushes through the dark rainclouds and climbs vigorously towards the light.



Kishi Renzan / Tiger roaring under the moon

The tiger painting by Renzan, the third generation of the Kishi school, gives the impression of tiger’s solid frame under the cover of its fluffy fur.

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Kishi Renzan / Tiger and Dragon

A dragon soaring through the sky and a tiger roaring on a rugged cliff. The tiger’s expression is full of realistic fierceness.

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