ページ 29 中 31写生に重きを置いた応挙ですが、こちらはイラストのような軽やかな筆致が特徴的な一幅です。神の使いとして縁起がよい生き物とされる白鷺が、まるで貴婦人のような気品を漂わせているところも魅力のひとつです。
This is a masterpiece that depicts a half moon floating brilliantly in the bitterly cold sky and a plover, a familiar winter seasonal word in haiku, using only ink. It has a box inscription by Mori Ippo, a Mori school painter from the late Edo period. Formerly owned by the Setsuda family, a sake wholesaler that has been in business since the Edo period.
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